Nature Blog

Costa Rica

All about the Resplendent Quetzal Life.

All about the Resplendent Quetzal Life. KINGDOM: Animalia PHYLUM: Chordata CLASS: Birds ORDER: Trogoniformes FAMILY: Trogonidae GENUS: Pharomachrus SPECIES: Pharomachrus mocinno With a life span of 3 to 10 years, the resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a small bird found in southern Mexico ...
Costa Rica

Costa Rica Nature Photography

Costa Rica Nature Photography Costa Rica is a vibrant country with incredible natural beauty like waterfalls, jungles, volcanoes, and wildlife. It provides many opportunities for stunning photography, but when is the best time to come? What ...
Nature Group Costa Rica

Typical food in Costa Rica

Typical food in Costa Rica. There are foods that go straight to the heart, and in Costa Rica they prepare some of the best. It's inevitable to come and not fall in love with the variety ...
Tarcoles river

The main sources of income in Tarcoles

The main sources of income in Tarcoles Tarcoles is a small town located in the province of Puntarenas, Garabito, with an area of 175.9 km2 and a population of approximately 5,444 people, although it may be ...
Nature Group Costa Rica

All about the Boat-billed Heron.

All about the Boat-billed Heron. Class: Birds Order: Ciconiiformes Family: Ardeidae Genus: Cochlearius Species: cochlearius All Herons have a specialised downy feather that doesn't moult and grows continuously throughout the bird’s life. The ends break off as a powder the heron ...
Costa Rica

Toucans of Costa Rica

Toucans of Costa Rica Usually, visitors want or would love to see any of these beautiful, exciting and colourful birds, the toucans. In Costa Rica, we have 6 species with the unmistakable outline of a toucan ...
Costa Rica

The birds and their allies

The birds and their allies Birds & Ants. It is impressive to see when large groups of Army ants or leaf-cutter ants moving along in the forest, scaring away spiders, cockroaches, crickets, grasshoppers, lizards, and frogs, among ...