Costa Rica lands of Volcanos

Volcano in Costa Rica

Part of the Pacific Ring Fire Circle, Costa Rica has over 200 identifiable volcanic formations dating back over 65 million years. However, only 100 or so show any signs of volcanic activity, while just five are classified as active volcanoes.
Most of the volcanoes in Costa Rica lie in the northern part of the country and in the Central Highlands.
These massifs captivate the attention of both tourists and scientists from all over the world, since the volcanoes are a key part of this country’s spectacular natural diversity. This is because they have played an important role in how the lush landscape of this region has come into being.
Due to the many eruptions over the past millennia, the soil in Costa Rica is rich in many minerals and is very fertile.
This fertility in turn has contributed to dense verdant forestation, which supports not only a myriad of bird & wildlife species, but is also home to numerous tropical and exotic plants and trees as well.


Let’s know a little more below.

1. Arenal Volcano

volcano in Costa Rica

Location: Alajuela Province, Costa Rica
Altitude: 1.04 miles (1,670 m)
Type: Conical andesitic stratovolcano
Difficulty: Easy, due to a well-maintained flat path and short distance

Arenal is an active volcano in Costa Rica. It’s been dormant since 2010. Arenal’s iconic lava flow makes it one of Costa Rica’s top tourist destinations. Arenal is actually the most active volcanos in Costa Rica, even though the lava isn’t currently flowing. Vapor spews from this magnificent volcano. Check out the hiking trails around the national park and nature reserves in the area.
Hot springs are near the volcano, along with a resort if you’re looking for a more luxurious experience.
At the National Park and the surroundings the birding is great.

2. Rincón de la Vieja Volcano

volcano in Costa Rica

Location: Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Altitude: 1.19 miles (1,920 m)
Type: Composite volcano
Difficulty: Easy; no steep inclines

Rincón de la Vieja Volcano is one the most active volcanoes in Costa Rica. It ‘s in the Rincón de la Vieja National Park. It is located in Guanacaste but shares some land with Alajuela and beautiful natural wonders surround it.
The route through Las Pailas is one of the best hikes in Costa Rica. At the park, enjoy an easy hike through mud pots, waterfalls, hot springs, and an acid lagoon. It is considered the most active in the last year, big explosions and gasses have been thrown by this massif.

3. Poás Volcano

volcano in Costa Rica

Location: Central Costa Rica
Altitude: 1.68 miles (2,700 m)
Type: Stratovolcano
Difficulty: Moderate

Poás is one of the volcanoes in Costa Rica that is closest to San José. Poás has a crater that measures a mile in diameter, making it one of the biggest in the world.

The aquamarine lagoon in the crater and the short paved walk from a parking lot make it a tourist favorite! It’s the only volcano accessible to wheelchairs. Arrive early to catch the best view before the clouds roll in.

4. Irazú Volcano

Location: Cordillera Central
Altitude: 2.13 miles (3,430 m)
Type: Complex Stratovolcano
Difficulty: Easy

Irazú volcano is another one of the volcanoes in Costa Rica that is active. It is located on the east of San José, close to the city of Cartago. This is a complex stratovolcano and extremely photogenic. It has a stunning green lake at its center and the tallest volcano in Costa Rica.

Irazú is an indigenous word that means earthquake and thunder. It has five craters and has been active for more than 500 years even though the last eruption was in the 1960s. John F. Kennedy was at this volcano during his visit to Costa Rica on March 19, 1963.

This volcano has high-altitude rainforest ecosystems, the Caribbean Sea on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other; making the hike up an unforgettable experience with a unique view. Rounded by cloud forest if you go birding you the experience could great.

5. Turrialba Volcano

Location: Central Costa Rica
Altitude: 2.08 miles (3,340 meters)
Type: Large vegetated basaltic-to-dacitic stratovolcano
Difficulty: Moderate to high

Turrialba Volcano is another mesmerizing active of volcanos in Costa Rica. This volcano has had an increase of volcanic activity recently, which appeals to visitors wanting to see an eruption. Turrialba volcano has an access road with a gorgeous scenic view, coffee plantations, and winding rivers.
Turrialba is the second highest volcano in Costa Rica and is just two hours from San Jose. The volcano is located in a chilly cloud forest great for birding. Visit Turrialba Volcano National Park to enjoy the volcano’s beauty and a walk through nature.

6. Tenorio Volcano

Location: Provincia de Guanacaste, Guatuso
Altitude: 1.1 miles (1,762 meters)
Type: Stratovolcano
Difficulty: Easy

Tenorio is an inactive volcano in Costa Rica with one of the most stunning national parks. If you make it to the top, Tenorio’s two craters await. Walk through the rainforest, savannah, and cloud forest until you reach Rio Celeste.
The volcanic earth produces thermal springs. Be prepared to run into wild animals such as pumas, tapirs and beautiful birds. Because this volcano and park are so popular, the park imposes limits on the number of visitors allowed, so make sure to check before you go.

7. Miravalles Volcano

Location: Bagaces and Bijagua
Altitude: 1.26 miles (2,028 meters)
Type: Andesitic stratovolcano
Difficulty: Challenging

This is another of the volcanos in Costa Rica that is as much about the volcano as it is about the path to get there. It’s near a tropical dry forest in northern Costa Rica. Miravalles is the highest peak in Guanacaste. It is now inactive but it formed millions of years ago. It used to have some of the most dramatic eruptions of all time!
